He recibido este premio de larasminiatureworld. Gracias Lara. Creo que necesito desesperadamente un pequeño rayo de sol.
Debo pasarlo a seis blogs, así es que: ¡¡LOS GANADORES SON....
Teresa, de tinyterminiatures.blogspot.com
Ursula, de minizapatitos.blogspot.com
Alicia, de aliciaminiaturas.blogspot.com
Sarah, de miniature-dollhouse.blogspot.com
Jayne, de tallulahbelleoriginals.blogspot.com
Katie, de katiesclaycorner.blogspot.com
¡¡Que disfruteis vuestro rayo de sol!!
I received this award from larasminiatureworld. Thanks Lara. I think I need a little sunshine desesperately.
I must pass it to six blogs, so THE WINNERS ARE...
Teresa, from tinyterminiatures.blogspot.com
Ursula, from minizapatitos.blogspot.com
Alicia, from aliciaminiaturas.blogspot.com
Sarah, from miniature-dollhouse.blogspot.com
Jayne, from tallulahbelleoriginals.blogspot.com
Katie, from katiesclaycorner.blogspot.com
Enjoy the sunshine!!