sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

Asi tapizaba, asi asi.../I love upholstering

Tapizar cualquier silla o sillon, siempre es un reto para mi. En esta ocasion lo intente con este sofa en kit. Despues de montarlo y pintarlo, lo lije suavemente. Y para rematar el trabajo, un par de cojines de lo mas mullidos... 
Me encantan los cojines. Siempre me ha parecido que un sofa sin algun cojin es casi como una buena comida sin postre al final :)
To upholster is quite a challenge for me. At this time I tried with this kit sofa. I assembled and painted it, and then I distressed lighty for a warm look. I handmade two lovely cushions as well.   They look amazing as a whole. 
I heart cushions. I think that a sofa without some cushions is like a good lunch without dessert at the end :)
Buen fin de semana festivo a todos :)
Have a nice weekend :)

20 comentarios:

  1. Lovely Sofa! You make a great work!

  2. Un buen trabajo, y con esos cojines queda mas apetecible.
    Un abrazo

  3. It's really lovely, beautiful great work

  4. Un trabajo de 10! Delicado y limpio, como todos tus trabajos, perfecto y precioso.
    Un besote :0)

  5. I have the identical kit, which I haven't made up yet, but you have made yours Beautifully! I love the natural linen that you have chosen, and your cushions are indeed a visual "dessert"! Thank you for showing us your Really lovely work! :D


    1. So glad that you have liked the results! I think the cushions are the icing on the cake, aren't they?

      Thanks :)


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